K C Bhanumathy

Bhanumathy Vasudevan

Sacred Cave for Women



Psychic Moon

“You find your own path to walk on. It will be the most difficult task in this life…” ‘I am giving this teaching to you to give to all women who need to find me in their current life. I have been in hiding for ten centuries. It is now or never for finding me- your lover, your teacher, in waiting. Listen to me carefully. What I am saying is hard to understand’…

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Women’s bodies embody the moon mother fully connected through the twenty-eight-day uterine menstrual cycle to her twenty-eight days of waxing and waning from one full moon to another full moon. Moon is the centre of your universe and sun is the centre of the other universe. Women’s bodies are ready for alignment with the moon within and the sun outside. You need both the centres to live life as humans. They are like Purusha and Prakriti. Unless their union takes place there is no creation of any form inside or outside…

The comatose life women lead in this earth lets her forget who she is, what did she come for, what is her truth and brilliance what is her connection to moon mother in her moon body? It is a living coma that is accepted by her and the world around as the normal state of ‘happy’ life. The coma needs attention otherwise there will only be the cycle of death in everything to be born again.the coma is mostly induced and infused into woman’s body and mind, so that she is kept in a particular state of beliefs, following and understanding. The mirrors of the culture, however, tell her that she is not in coma and living a ‘whole’ life. Paradoxically this message gets stronger and stronger as she goes deeper and deeper into coma…

The divine spark of the mother will never leave us in any point of time. The spark calls on to the forgotten cells constantly, giving the clarion call to wake up and find the path that we have chosen but forgotten…

The fundamental starting point of this work is compassion and love for you as a woman. Compassion is non-judging and takes utmost care of your body and the comatose mind….

The key is in gradual training of your body first and then the mind follows. the cells of your body have their own wisdom and they can bring about change. Mind can only follow the cells…

Stillness practice, training of the body- body work and dialogue of ‘speaking the unspeakable’ within and/or in the female circle, keeping the alignment to cosmic mother above and earth mother below through the luminous line is the equilateral triangular practice. This provides invitation and opening to the presence of moon mother inside you…

It does not matter which part of the equilateral triangle you start- the body training, stillness practice, or speaking the unspeakable within and outside in a female context. Depending on your life stage and the passion to find your path, you will start anywhere automatically. Once the search for a path and to deal with emptiness begins, one of these practices begins. This will be applicable universally to all women who are seeking their purpose and path…


Psychic Moon: A Primer

What I present to you in this book are small excerpts from the book – Psychic Moon: Channelled teachings to women of this century, on some of the essential themes in women’s lives. Psychic Moon is a series of transmissions that came to me in my morning stillness practice from the full moon day of November 26, 2002, to full moon day of 15th April 2003. Each of the three chapters came as a spring from one full moon to another full moon of 28 days and continuing after silence of similar period, over a period of six moon cycles.

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There are 13 short Articles such as:

  1. Self- care among women
  2. Body training – the baseline of triangular practice
  3. Speaking the unspeakable
  4. Stillness Practice 
  5. Comprehending the roots of misogyny
  6. Voice power and its politics in women
  7. Burning the stuff of causal body and pre-birth agendas
  8. Our conception and our pre- determined journey
  9. Moon meditation
  10. Stillness practice guidelines 



Boundaries for Healthy Relationship

Boundaries for healthy relationships

Animals mark their boundaries, are sensitive to the turf of other creatures and respond, viscerally to any approaches to their own marked territory. 

[read more] Human communities have been arguing over who owns what, since time immemorial. Villages, tribes, nation states and empires do the same. Wars are fought, family feuds are fanned, and misinterpretation of behaviour takes place – often because of issues of boundary, of `turf’. Consciousness of boundaries in cats, dogs, reptiles and other animals are natural ways of living as sentient beings. Our human lives move through many boundaries- time, task, territory, and sentient boundaries, day after day.[/read]

Boundaries for Healthy Relationship

Voice and authority

“Good girls are to be seen and not heard…” “You ask too many questions…” “Don’t talk back…’ “Keep quiet…” “I don’t want you to breathe a word of this to anyone…” 

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“Don’t talk rubbish…” “You imagined it…this could not have happened…” “I suggest you pick your battles…every thing does not have to become an issue…” “I’m warning you, by raising this you will open a can of worms…” “Let sleeping dogs lie…” “Why do you always have to complicate things…” “All you want to do is talk and dissect, can’t you just take something at face value? “There’s nothing to discuss- its all in your mind…” “Watch what you say…” “You don’t think before you speak- just say the first thing that comes to your head …” “….I have nothing to say.” 


Boundaries for Healthy Relationship

Competence and brilliance

A little girl is born in small apartment in Bombay (now Mumbai) – Bombay a city where space shrinks but population inflates. A city where most people work hard to be seen above the crowd and to be heard above the cacophony. 

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As far as the little girl can remember, her parents always told her – “You speak well!” At any family function, she is pushed in the Centre of a circle of indulgent adults – “Beta, tell us the story of Shravana ( a character in Ramayana an ancient Indian epic).” “But I am in the middle of Saap-Seedi (snakes and ladders) and I think I am winning.” “The game can wait. Story sunao beta (tell us the story).” “Once upon a time….” And a story teller/ presenter is born! It can be quite exciting for the child to be so fluent & expressive –At school is heard with rapt attention every time. Elocution competitions are won and that makes her favorite teacher happy. School elections are won given her eloquent appeal for votes. Oh, the mike is an exciting thing to hold in those little hands!


Boundaries for Healthy Relationship

Jealousy, envy, rivalry and competition


“If Jealousy crawls on its belly, can envy be far behind?
I want that which the other has when I am jealous.
And what will you do when you have acquired that which
You covet, you distrust, you suspect….?

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Stand Up, Woman! Why slither? You have knees, you
have feet And remember – you have Spine – all 33 pieces of it.What she has, you have. Already.And more….
And here I see venal Envy meandering its way to its goal She does not know where to end – this fluid destination.
It is amorphous, changing shape, size and color Burning like an ulcerous stomach in all its acidity Shape up, Woman! Burn away, but like a candle – Generous, constant, nurturing and brilliant.


Boundaries for Healthy Relationship

Listening to the body to reach the self that knows

We attempt to place before you
milestones in our inner journey as
leaders. Our intention here is to share
with you some of the significant
universal and unique patterns of our
struggles to break free of the
internalised oppression of our talents,
brilliance, voice and authority.


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We are
sure each one of you also goes through
similar struggles and in no way we see
our journey here as special or much
different than any of you.
We believe the work of integrating the
body, mind and spirit hold the key to
gather the fragmented pieces of
ourselves to make us whole and free us
from the entrapments that bind us as



Frontiers of Consciousness

This writing is an attempt to demystify
unconscious dynamics for common
person. Usually, it is the domain of
professionals in Psychology. We find it is
useful to understand our own mind as we
live our normal lives to gain insights about
ourself and our relationships.


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We are rational human beings and live our
lives dominated by our brain functions,
like logic, rationality, analysis,
differentiation, etc. ‘Reality’ to most of us
is what we can comprehend with our brain
and what we can perceive with our
physical senses of sight, hearing, smell,
taste and touch. All these contribute to
our world view of ‘who we are’ and ‘what
our world is like’. This limited
understanding of ourselves and the world
around us generally governs our lives. At
the same time there is a tacit
understanding within us that what we
perceive through our senses is not the
complete picture. We know that our mind
functions selectively, admitting into
awareness only a portion of the stimuli to
which we are constantly exposed. Mostly,
this selective perception is then taken as
‘real’ or the entire ‘truth’ of our


Triangular Leadership

It is an undisputed fact that we live on the earth and
have Cosmos enveloping and making us ‘part of this
whole’.When aligned to the universe’s intention and Law of
Nature that works for the ‘good of all’ we have access to
unlimited resources- boundless energy, synchronicities as
guides, ability to sense the subtleties, etc.

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Once we decide to
align and be that leader, the leadership process gets embedded
in us. Then what is needed is vigil over oneself, consciousness
and mindfulness. This booklet introduces practices that
enable that kind of consciousness and alignment. Referred
to as the Triangular Leadership Practice, this is an excerpt
from the book – ‘Psychic Moon: Teaching to the Women of
this Century’.



Aastha Conference

Mother nature has been our teacher to inform us of life processes that govern all creations. The leadership model presented here aligns to the creation principle to search for a peaceful, sustainable leadership and is governed by the nature’s primary principles of ‘good of the whole’ and ‘life enhancing’. The model evolves from Action Research – Avani : Five year collaborative leadership program for women 2002- 2006, In Bangalore, India. The work continues till date through conceptualizing, internalizing and applications. 

Living Leadership

This case study is the story of Bhanumathy Vasudevan who ran a five year women’s leadership collaborative from 2002 to 2006 at Bangalore, along with her colleagues Alexandra Merrill and Philomena Vincent. It traces the reasons for starting such an initiative and presents the leadership practices followed by the three leaders during the five years of the collaborative effort and the emergent definition of leadership.

Peace Conference Presentation

A pattern is weaving between these speakers. In terms of peace those at the gathering will hear: current state events that are happening–what can be done–what you can do individually to strive for peace on the planet. The theme and flow emerging is:

A fundamental truth is that the core of peace-making is relationship. Relationship to one another, relationship to the “tribe”, relationship to the Earth ~ our interconnectedness is one of the human race’s most enduring and transcendent qualities.

Article -Boundaries for healthy relationships

Article - Voice and authority

Article -Competence and brilliance

Article - Jealousy, envy, rivalry and competition

Article - Listening to the body to reach the self that knows

Article -Frontiers of Consciousness

Article -Triangular Leadership

Paper - Aastha Conference

Paper-Living Leadership

Paper - Peace Conference

Psychic Moon: A Primer Free Download

Psychic Moon Free Download