Bhanumathy Vasudevan
- Multi -layered series of teachings to the aspiring women for reflection and application in daily lives covering all aspects women’s lives and her mind body and spirit work.
- Create circles of community of practice for continuous inner work and sustained support
- To give free access, support and serve women in her life journey as ‘a woman at her back’, through ‘Teaching to practice’ method.
By education, I am a graduate of social sciences with post graduate diploma in Personnel management with a professional accreditation in Applied Behavioural Science from Indian Society for Applied behavioural Science.
I had held two distinct portfolios as an Organisation Development (OD) Consultant to diverse corporate and Development organisations and alongside focussing on diversity and Women’s leadership for over four decades. I worked with women of all categories and creating holistic body mind spirit work, innovating and pioneering women- specific pedagogy and teaching/ training methods and specialised in women’s leadership.
My women’s work started way back in 1984 and there has been no full stop. I have been part of the women’s movement history in south India since then along with my contemporaries. I had the good fortune of having wise colleagues who inspired and co-created with me. My learning and creative quest and wide travels in rural India on my assignments to many of the ‘back of the beyond’ locales contributed to my rich knowledge and diverse experience.
Along with my colleague Alexandra Merrill and Katarina Weslien, I co-founded ‘Chamundi’- in 1991 a bi-national, women’s organisation working with women from multi-cultural backgrounds in India and U.S. Chamundi was devoted to collaborative learning journeys for women. I have been co-leading annual ‘Women’s Way’ in U S – a nine-day leadership retreat for women with my U.S. colleagues from 2001 to 2006.
By the Grace of my Guru Sri Dattabal In 2002, I channelled a book – “Psychic Moon: teachings for women of this century”. The teachings became the guide post for the women’s leadership work. It resonated and expanded our horizons of leadership work. – Triangular leadership practices, specific women’s group development models and strategies for dealing with internalised misogyny and many more. Strengthened by it, I offered a five-year action research women’s leadership program -Avani 2002-2006 along with my colleagues and later a three-year leadership program -Tara 2016-2018.
Overtime, I realised leadership in living life for both women and men in all their roles – is a living ever present consciousness serving the ‘good of the whole’ and is ‘life enhancing’. The entire concepts were presented in Aastha conference titled ‘Leadership Holding and Consciousness: Aligned to nature’s intelligence’( 2019) .